Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014


1. Tasya  : I don't have any pen. ..., please?

Rudy   : Sure. Here you are.

a.     What is this

b.    Take me the pen

c.     May I have one

d.    Give me the pen

2. Hani            : Do you have a spare ruler, Nita?

Nita            : Yes. I have got two.

Hani    : ....

Nita     : Certainly.

a.     Can I have one of the rulers, please?

b.    Are you using them?

c.     Where do you put them?

d.    Where are your rulers?

3.         Budi    : May I borrow your book, please?

Citra           : ...

a.     Thank you.

b.    Yes, I do.

c.     I'm sorry I'm using it now.

d.    What?

4.         Tiara    : How many classrooms are there in the school?

Fika            : ... twenty four classrooms.

a.     It is

b.    They are

c.     These are

d.    There are

5.         Risa     : Hey, there is a new computer in the living room.

            Rudy   : ...

            Risa     : Absolutely.

a.     That's great.

b.    I think so.

c.     Are you sure?

d.    I like computers.

6.         Aris     : My house is big. There is a large garden in front of my house.

Dina            : ...

a.     Really?

b.    May I borrow it?

c.     I don't think so.

d.    It is a nice garden.

7.         Via      : Where are the books, Dony?

Dony   : ....

a.     They are on the shelves

b.    They are on the tables

c.     They are in the cupboards

d.    They are on the chairs

8. Citra            : Excuse me, where are the students?

Dita            : ....

Citra           : Thank you.

a.     They are in the library

b.    They are in the language laboratory

c.     They are in the canteen

d.    They are in the classroom

9.         Adi      : Angelina, do you think a pilot is a good job?

            Angelina          : ...

a.     I think so.

b.    Really?

c.     He flies a plane.

d.    He is handsome.

10. Sinta          : ..., Ratna?

Ratna  : She is a nurse.

a.     Who is your mother

b.    Where is your mother

c.     What does your mother do

d.    What does your father do

11. Miss Tiara is a flight attendant. She takes care of ....

a.     patients

b.    passengers

c.     fields

d.    animals

12. Mr Rahadi is a chef. He cooks food at a ....

a.     hospital

b.    restaurant

c.     plane

d.    shop

13. Adi            : What fruits do you like?

Laila           : ....

a.     I like soup very much

b.    I like pizza

c.     Yes, I do. I like fruits

d.    I like apples and oranges

14. Tina           : How do you record on this tape recorder, Ali?

Ali  : Just ... the record button and then speak into the microphone.

a.     pull

b.    dial

c.     plug

d.    push

15. Citra          : ... me that eraser, please.

Edi  : This eraser? Here you are. Citra        : Thanks.

a.     Pass

b.    Put

c.     Borrow

d.    Throw

16. Angelina    : Dad, get me an apple, please.

Father         : ....

Angelina     : Thanks, Dad.

a.     I'm busy

b.    Get one yourself

c.     Sure, honey

d.    I'm sorry

Questions 17 to 21 refer to the following text.

My family and I live in a new house in Surabaya on Jl. Kartini. It is a very nice house and I 

like it. The house has four bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen. There are two 

bathrooms and one of them is next to my room. My house also has a garage. Beside the 
garage, there is a small swimming pool. There is also a large garden in front of the house. 

We love the house.

17. Where does the writer live?

a.     Semarang.

b.    Jakarta.

c.     Surabaya.

d.    Bandung.

18. How is the writer's house?

a.     It is large.

b.    It is beautiful.

c.     It is big.

d.    It is small.

19. How many bedrooms does the house have?

a.     Two.

b.    Three.

c.     Four.

d.    Five.

20. What is next to the writer's room?

a.     Kitchen.

b.    Living room.

c.     Bathroom.

d.    Garage.

21. What is next to the garage?

a.     Swimming pool.

b.    Bathroom.

c.     Kitchen.

d.    Living room.

Questions 22 to 25 refer to the following text.


•      1 cup uncooked rice

•      2 tablespoons butter

•      1 teaspoon curry powder

•      1/2 chopped onion

•      1/2 cup raisins

•      2 cups water

 Curried Rice


•      Find a large saucepan or frying pan which has a lid, place on a medium heat, add 

butter, and then add chopped onion. Cook the onion for a couple of minutes until it starts to 

brown slightly.

•      Add curry powder stir with onions for a minute.

•      Add raisins, rice, and water.

•      Put on lid and simmer until water is absorbed (about 15 minutes)

22. What does the text tell you?

a.     How to make curried rice.

b.    How to buy curried rice.

c.     How to get curried rice.

d.    How to find curried rice.

23. The following is NOT the ingredient to make curried rice ..

a.     2 cups water

b.    1 teaspoon curry powder

c.     1 cup uncooked rice

d.    2 teaspoons sugar

24. We need ... minutes to cook the curried rice.

a.     20

b.    15

c.     5

d.    25

25. How much raisins is needed to cook curried rice?

a.     2 cups.

b.    1 cup.

c.     2 cup.

d.    % cup.

26.Andi : can I borrow your pencil?

   Sani  : Sure here it is
   Andi : Thank you
   Sani  : …..             
a.          a.I’m sorry                              c. Thank you
b.          b.Don’t mention it                     d.That’s Ok

27. Mother : Marisa, did you break the plate?
    Marisa  : Yes I did, I’m sorry Mom…
    Mother :…… 
a.       I’m sorry too                  c. You are welcome
b.      That’s all right                 d. don’t mention it

28. Teacher : Hadi, open the door please !
    Hadi        : ….
a.          a.Don’t mention it                     c. Ok Sir, thank you
b.          b.Yes, Sir                                  d. I’m sorry Sir

29. A : Do you like to play sport?
     B : ……
     A : What sport do you like?
     B :  I’m very fond of playing football
a.           No, I don’t                          c. Yes, I’m fine
b.           Yes, I like it a lot                  d. I can’t stand it

30. You have to plan what you are going to do. (last sentence last paragraph).
      The underlined word is similar to …
      a. will                              b. can                             c. may                            d. must

31. Where should we go to have cool weather?
      a. to the sea                                                          c. to the beach
      b. to the highland                                                   d. to the low land

32. Nonstop raining can cause …
      a. sponge                       b. flood                           c. cloudy                         d. downhill

33. Government issues rule and law to … the forest.
      a. destroy                       b. protect                        c. clear up                      d. cover

34. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph!
      1. She began to write the letter
      2. Then, she took a piece of paper and a pen
      3. After that she got an envelope and a stamp
      4. Last weekend Ratih wanted to write a letter to her penpal
      5. She wrote the address on the envelope and went to the post office
      6. At five in the afternoon she sat down on a chair in her room.
      a. 4-2-1-3-5-6                 b. 4-5-2-1-3-6                 c. 4-1-2-3-6-5                 d. 4-6-2-1-3-5

35. Mr. Leo      :     What did you see in Bali last holiday?                               
      Angie         :     I … some beautiful beaches such as Kuta beach, Sanur beach, etc.
      a. am visiting                  b. visit                             c. visited                         d. will visit

36. Ima      :     Look! The orchids are very beautifully grown. Who planted them? 
      Adi       :     ….. and I watered them twice a day.
      a. I am                            b. I did                             c. I do                             d. I was

37. Dewi    :     I have got something for you as a present.
      Amy     :     Oh, thank you. May I open it now.
      Dewi    :     Why not?
      Amy     :     Wow, …. ! The colour really suits me.
a.      How is the dress beautiful                              c. who bought this dress
b.      What a beautiful dress it is                             d. What a beautiful dress is it

38. Wahyu       :     Last night Redo gotan accident. His motorcycle hit a big tree.
      Dea           :     Oh, that’s so bad. But how come?
      Wahyu       :     It’s because he drove his motorcycle….
a.      fast and careless                                            c. carelessly
b.      carefully                                                           d. slowly

39. I was sleeping when my father … the advertisement about job vacancy on the radio.
      a. heard                          b. hears                          c. was hearing               d. is hearing

40. A       :        …. Is Marsha?
      B       :     She is 50 kilograms although she is still 12 years old.
      a. How wide                   b. How old                      c. How tall                      d. How heavy

41. Maya       :     Next Sunday is your boy friend’s birthday, isn’t it?
      Novi        :     Yes, you’re right. I … my new shirt for the birthday party.
      a. will wear                     b. am wearing                c. wear                           d. wore

42. Old story that told a boy who wanted to marry his mother is ….
      a. Joko Bodo                  b. Sangkuriang               c. Prabu Boko                d. Naga Bonar

43. Doni        :     What do you think about the weather today?
      Rony       :     I think it is … look! The sun is shining brightly.
      a. a sunny day                b. a bad day                   c. a foggy day                 d. cloudy day
44. Arrange these sentences into good paragraph! 
      1. After school Rudy went to Roni’s house to visit him.
      2. They are at the same school.
      3. Rudy and Roni are close friends
      4. He was sick. He got a serious flu
      5. Yesterday Roni didn’t go to school
      a. 1 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 4
      b. 3 - 2 – 5 - 4 - 1
      c. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 5
      d. 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 1

45. 1. She could not solve the problem
      2. Lisa felt unhappy this morning
      3. So she needed a friend to help her solve the problem
      4. She had a problem

      a. 2  3  4  1                     b. 2  3  1  4                     c. 2  4  1  3                     d. 2  1  4  3

The text is for the questions no. 46 and 47.

Dolphins are our oldest friend in the sea. You can see dolphins swimming and playing in warm seas all over the world. Dolphins are popular at theme parks, too. There are many stories about dolphins. Sometimes, dolphins help ships in trouble. They also help people who are drowning.
Dolphins are about 8-9 feet (245-275 cm) long. They weigh 400-500 pounds (180-225 kg). Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals. They live in large groups. Dolphins have strong feelings and great memories. They are also very smart.
Dolphins communicate by sonar. A dolphin’s sonar is much better than man-made sonar. Dolphins “whistle,” “click,” and make sonar “pictures” to communicate with each other. Today, scientists study dolphins and their sonar. The military is also interested in dolphins.
People often swim with dolphins. When they swim with dolphins, people feel very happy. Sometimes, dolphins can help people who are sick. They help people with their sonar.
46. What is the main idea of the text above?
a. the story about helpful mammals
b. the description of dolphins
c. the people’s oldest friends
d. the smart mammals

47. How many ways do dolphins communicate with each other?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

The text is for the questions no. 48 and 49.

 Stefano was small. He had narrow shoulders. He had thin arms. His chest was small, and his legs were skinny. Stefano did not like his body. “My body is weak,” he thought. "I want a big, strong body.”
 Stefano went to the library. He found a book about exercise. He read the book. The book said he should exercise, and he should eat healthy food. Stefano thought, “I am going to exercise, and I am going to eat healthy food.”
 So, Stefano exercised. He exercised on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He ate a lot of fruit and vegetables. Soon, he had a big, strong body.
48. What was Stefano  like before he read the book?
a. He was healthy, strong, and big
b. He was small, thin, and skinny
c. He was strong and healthy
d. He was smart and diligent

49. Look at the sentence, “He found a book about exercise” at the first paragraph. What   
    does the word “found” mean?
a. got
b. met
c. took
d. had
50.   Read the short message below!

     Reni, don’t forget to study
     Together at my house at 04.30 p.m.
     Be on time!


      Which one is not true on the short message?
a.      Sirta expects Reni to come on time
b.      Sirta and Reni have an appointment to study together
c.      Sirta and Reni will study together at Sirta’s house
d.      Reni reminds Sirta about Their appointment to study together

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